Desert Rose - Preparation and Move

In 1996, our Regiment, 126 Light Air Defence Regiment (One-Two-Six Lt AD), was in Bharatpur (Rajasthan) when we got the orders to move to Leh. The Regiment would be Headquartered in Leh (highest airfield in the world). One of the four Batteries (Company) will do their tenure on the Glacier for 6 months.

My Battery, being the fittest and capable to take over from the existing Regiment and ensure smooth transition, was tasked to move to the Glacier first. We started preparations and exercised harder than the regular morning P.T to be ready to face the rigors of the Glacier. It was a proud time – when others exercised on normal P.T dress, we trained ourselves in battle clothing (back packs, boots et al….)

I couldn’t have been much prouder as I was picked up to be the first officer to lead the troops on to the Glacier. What more motivating than this honor !!!!

We were booked separate train coaches which were to be attached to passenger train.
The travel was to be in three phases – Bharatpur to Mathura by road, Mathura to Delhi by train and Delhi to Chandigarh by train.

From Leh were to be airlifted as two groups –
advance party led by Lt. Col Jimmy John to move from Chandigarh to Leh and
my battery led by Maj. Subir Malhotra to move from Chandigarh to Glacier.

The Srinagar – Drass – Kargil (remember 1999 Kargil war???) – Leh road was snow covered and was not opened for the year. This road opens for about 5 months from June till October. Hence the airlift else, drudgery of travel all the way by road which takes 7 days.

Coming next.. the Airlift and the acclimatization.


the pleasantone said…
wowie...are you saying you dont have photos that can make this segement more interesting!!!! and of course we remember kargil war....some of our friends even colected money door to door for the war efforts!!!your writing style is amazing army! write the remaining fast!
the pleasantone said…
iam waiting for the rest when is it happening????

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